What Are HTTP Content Types And Why They Matter

Pavol Kutaj
1 min readAug 25, 2021


The aim of this explainer💡 is to define content types for HTTP protocol

1. instructions

  • when you enter URL you typically want to view/access a resource
  • in order for a host to properly serve a resource + in order for a client to properly display a resource:
  • we need a specification of a resource type: .jpg image should not be rendered as text
  • for this reason, host responds with content types within the header of the HTTP message
<!-- SYNTAX -->
  • this depends on MIME standards: Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions
  • originally this standard was designed for for email, but HTTP uses the same labels
  • content types are configured on web server such as IIS
  • there is a mapping between a file extension and MIME type
  • after mapping, web server serves content type in a content-type header
  • for browser, this is the first-place to look to understand what it is receiving (not! file extension)
  • browsers will do MIME sniffing in some cases and will not necessarily follow the value of this header
  • to prevent this behavior, the header X-Content-Type-Options can be set to nosnif
  • if requests (such as POST or PUT) include content-type headers, the client tells the server what type of data is actually sent in its body



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