The 3 Ways To Filter Redash Queries: Query Parameters, Query Filters and Search within Table Visualization

Pavol Kutaj
2 min readSep 4, 2021


The aim of this tutorial🔍 is to list 3 ways a redash query can be filtered without modifying a SQL query. This is just a compilation of official docs used for a quick syntactical reference.

1. query parameters with double curly braces

SELECT a, b c
FROM table1
relevant_date >= '{{ myDate.start }}'
AND table1.relevant_date <= '{{ myDate.end }}'
  • this allows passing query into a query string in the browser
  • great for custom searches and running queries directly from the URL bar
  • +1 for large datasets
  • substitute values into your query at runtime
  • any string between double curly braces {{ }} will be treated as a parameter
  • a widget will appear above the results pane so you change the parameter value.

2. query filters with double columns

SELECT action AS "action::filter", COUNT(0) AS "actions count"
FROM events
GROUP BY action
  • query Filters filter data
  • similar to Query Parameters — but with a few key differences.
  • query Filters limit data after it has been loaded into your browser.
  • this makes them ideal for smaller datasets
  • just alias your column to <columnName>::filter or ``::multi-filter`
  • note that you can use filter or multi-filter
  • query Filters aren’t suitable for especially large data sets or query results with hundreds or thousands of distinct field values. Depending on your computer and browser configuration, excessive data can deteriorate the user experience.

3. table visualization search

  • i use this a lot — for example for querying contacts
  • select Add Visusalization → Table → Select Use for Search
  • great for fast dynamic search, you can select multiple columns that react to search

4. sources



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