The most interesting reads in August 2022

How I Used DALL·E 2 to Generate The Logo for OctoSQL

Pavol Kutaj
6 min readSep 1, 2022

What’s actually going on with Google and Facebook hiring freezes? We surveyed 1000 engineers to find out. — blog


Good conversations have lots of doorknobs

Colleen Hoover books: The author’s success is due to much more than BookTok.

The DevOps Handbook — The Technical Practices of Feedback

Against essential and accidental complexity

Don’t call it a comeback: Why Java is still champ

Redis Explained

The most accurate description of Redis is that it’s a data structure server. This specific nature of Redis has led to much of its popularity and adoption amongst developers.Rather than iterating over, sorting, and ordering rows, what if the data was in data structures you wanted from the ground up? Early on, it was used much like Memcached, but as Redis improved, it became viable for many other use cases, including publish-subscribe mechanisms, streaming, and queues.

Scraping web pages from the command line with shot-scraper

The AI Art Apocalypse — Alexander Wales

The DevOps Handbook — The Technical Practices of Flow

The History of Computing: The IBM System/360 Mainframe

Thomas Watson Jr, son of the great IBM business executive Thomas Watson Sr, bet the proverbial farm on IBM S360. And won that bet. In all, IBM spent 5 billion dollars in mid-1960s money, which would be $41B today with a cumulative 726.3% rate of inflation. To put things in context around the impact of the mainframe business, IBM revenues were at $3.23 B in 1964 and more than doubled to $7.19 B by 1970 when the next edition, the 370, was released. To further that context, the Manhattan Project, which resulted in the first atomic bomb, cost $2 B. IBM did not have a project this large before the introduction of the S360 and has not had one in the more than 50 years since then. bookmark -url $url -title $title

The next generation of Data Platforms is the Data Mesh

Of Boys and Men — Marginal REVOLUTION

Turing’s Cathedral

In particular I was struck by how closely entwined the history of the computer was with the building of the atomic and hydrogen bombs. I had always had a sort of general feeling about the correlation of the invention of the computer and war, but it was always on the level of “Oh, Turing used it to crack codes!”. There wasn’t that explicit direct link between the computer and atomic fire. The book describes how all of the early computers in the US were explicitly military and primarily used for bomb calculations — from ENIAC on to the IAS machine, and then the commercial IBM machines that came after that. In particular I was struck by how closely entwined the history of the computer was with the building of the atomic and hydrogen bombs. I had always had a sort of general feeling about the correlation of the invention of the computer and war, but it was always on the level of “Oh, Turing used it to crack codes!”. There wasn’t that explicit direct link between the computer and atomic fire. The book describes how all of the early computers in the US were explicitly military and primarily used for bomb calculations — from ENIAC on to the IAS machine, and then the commercial IBM machines that came after that.

The Most Important Piece of Career Advice You Probably Never Heard — Study Hacks — Cal Newport

The Perils of Audience Capture — by Gurwinder — The Prism

We develop our personalities by imagining ourselves through others’ eyes, using their borrowed gazes like mirrors to dress ourselves.

The E.U. Is Finally Becoming a Real Union — Time

A political union in Europe was never going to be built on economic foundations. Europe will come together as a geopolitical union or not come together at all.

The Perils of Audience Capture — by Gurwinder — The Prism

Due to web browsers’ same-origin policy, a browser cookie is only available to the domain it is written on and all its subdomains (by default).

Devops: An Idea so Good, No One Admits They Don’t Do It

To me, the most egregious example of this is when a company simply changes the job titles of all its ops people. John use to be an “IT Operations” guy, but now he’s a “DevOps Engineer”.

Ptpython: A Better Python REPL


Bell Labs Org Chart

I was curious — how does Big Tech research compare to Bell Labs? I can’t name a single thing from Google X or Amazon 126, Apple or Microsoft Research departments. Perhaps a faint idea of drones deliveries, balloon weather projects, AR/VR tech, failed chat apps, quantum something, and a lot of PR. Listing Bell Labs’ major inventions really put things into perspective: Laser, Solar-cells, Communications Satellites, Touch-tone telephones, Transistor, UNIX, C language, Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Cellular Telephones, Data Networking, Charge-coupled device (CCD), Information Theory, Television, Sound motion pictures, and a total of 8 Nobel Prizes in Physics.

System Design — Choosing Between AWS Kinesis and AWS SQS

Kinesis can send stream records directly to services such as Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, Amazon ElasticSearch, Splunk, AWS Lambda

Visual Studio Code is designed to fracture

  • Stratechery-like insights into what Microsoft has been up to in the last 10 years, i.e. transitioning itself into a ‘service company’

Circa 9 years ago Microsoft started an internal transformation in the way they delivered software to customers. Instead of directly (ie. in-house) employing quality assurance teams who were dedicated to testing software builds Microsoft’s switched to a model based on sprint-based development work and rolling releases with feedback from telemetry data that is gathered from Insider Builds of Microsoft’s software. At the same time, wider organisational changes took place in the form of functional restructures, which transitioned Microsoft into becoming a services company. Their Azure cloud-computing offering during this period has grown into a legitimate challenger to Amazon’s cloud-computing offering called AWS. The biggest side effect of this change for consumers was that instead of delivering installable products that could be run on-premises Microsoft in true Microsoft form of moving ever so slowly and doing it over a generation of people as not to spook them.



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