Providing Short Help For Posh Functions
2 min readAug 3, 2021
The aim of this playbook🏁 is show the use of Powershell’s commend-based help
to provide a list of feature flags / switches possible to pass into the function to specify the functionality with the help of comment based help. The help can be obtained by running
get-help <module_name>
1. steps
- go to the bottom of the function
- in vscode, press
→ open a list of suggestions - select
- keep only
- add purpose to SYNOPSIS
- add switches do DESCRIPTION
function new-kron {
param (
[int]$span = 1
A script that creates an markdown entry of the dialy journal
-merge | merges all markdown files into a monthly .pdf file for potential print-out
-span <n> | looks for images from <n>-days ago; default is 1
2. example-code
function get-nomadLogs ($jobId, $featureFlag) {
$nomadLogs = nomad alloc logs -job $jobId
if ($featureFlag -eq "l") { oh -InputObject $nomadLogs }
if (nomad status $jobID | sls status.*dead) {
if ($featureFlag -eq "p") { oh -InputObject $nomadLogs -Paging }
else { oh -InputObject $nomadLogs }
else { nomad status $jobID | sls status.*=.* }
Function helping to get proper log output from HashiCorp Nomad CLI.
Default flag is none — will show logs if job is dead; will show stderr if the job has failed
The flag parameter accepts:
"l" for getting logs no matter what the status is
"p" for getting logs no matter what the status is + in paging form for readibility
3. notes
- this is formally called documentation comments
- as opposed to my usage, it is recommended to put it inside & at the top of the function
- there are 15 help keywords that precede the description
- see Comment-based help keywords for the full listing