Powershell Version Of Running If Called From Shell

Pavol Kutaj
Jul 17, 2021


The aim of this playbook🏁 is to show the PowerShell version of a Python idiom that executes a script if called from a shell, but imports of called from REPL

def main()

if __name__ == "__main__":

1. notes

  • Use $MyInvocation.Invocation
  • it has information about how the script was started.
  • I use dot sourcing operator (.), but you if needed, use call opetator (&)
  • If called with . foo.ps1, the main() executes.
  • If imported with Import-Module foo.ps1, nothing happens (useful for importing with $profile, etc.)
Function main {

If ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -eq '.') { main }

2. sources



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