Explaining Terraform State Data and Illustrating Four Drift Scenarios

The aim of this page📝 is to describe the concept of state data in Terraform along with an illustration of drift scenarios. I am handling drifts on a daily basis, so knowing the mechanics is foundational knowledge. My little constraint is that we’re having statefiles stored remotely in places I don’t have access to, so my illustrations are from a sandbox. Also we manage config files, yet clients have access to their target environment.

Pavol Kutaj
2 min readOct 5, 2023

State_data is `JSON` formatted essential component of Terraform - located between and mapping config_files and target_environment

  • state data is stored in a json file terraform.tfstate.backup with configurable (local/remote) location
  • state data contains entries for resources, datasources, and outputs
  • state data is what maps ..terraform configuration <> state_file <> target environment ..identifiers from configuration <> state_file <> identifiers in the target environment
  • state data is ..⟹ it is how TF knows about the objects it is managing ..⟹ it is how TF knows which CRUD operation it needs to perform on a resource
  • rule: do not alter state files by hand
  • unique identifier in the target environment depends on object type ..e.g. ec2 instance has its own unique instance ID
  • the state data also contains metadata about the version of Terraform used, the version of the state data format, and the serial number of the current state data
  • when TF is executing an operation that is potentially altering state data, it tries to place a lock on the state data so no other instance of terraform can make changes
  • as for the location, you can save the state
  • ..locally
  • ..remotely (AWS, Azure, NFS, Terraform Cloud)

Each time TF generates plan it first loads a statefile, then refreshes it by querying environment, and compares the new state with the configuration

  • [load] state data from a file into memory. the empty statefile looks like this
"version": 4,
"terraform_version": "1.5.5",
"serial": 70,
"lineage": "07e6371c-b553-b77b-f49f-fd03fab89d1d",
"outputs": {},
"resources": [],
"check_results": null
  • [refresh] the values in state file data by querying the target environment
  • Here, some changes are known, and some changes are known only after apply. For the latter the logs say
data "google_compute_network_endpoint_group" "collector_neg"  {
STEP default_port = 0 -> (known after apply)
  • [compare] the values (run diff) in the state data and the values in the configuration
  • ⟹ announce the plan
Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.

If appropriate, one deploys the config by running apply which first changes the environment and then the statefile

  • [add/update/destroy] environment resources
  • [add/update/destroy] the statefile accordingly
  • ⟹ resolves drift between config and environment
  • this is how TF knows what needs to be changed, added or removed

Scenario #1: New record added to configuration

Scenario #2: Drift with resource present in config and state, but missing from environment

Scenario #3: Removing resources from the configuration will destroy resources in the environment and delete data from the statefile

Scenario #4: Manual manipulation with the state data returns either error or adds additional resource



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