Explaining Signal Module in Python

Pavol Kutaj
2 min readSep 21, 2022


The aim of this page📝 solve the following encounter in Python code

signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, termination.handler)
  • signal is a built-in module and something like an "OS event listener"

…a means through which a program can receive information from the Operating System. When the operating system receives certain events, it can pass that to programs in the form of signals.

Python Signal Module — What are Signals and How to Create Them? — AskPython


  • you can listen for a defined set of signals; some are OS-specific
  • for example, press CTRL + C → OS generates a signal → passes that to other programs
  • for this combination, the event SIGINT is generated and passed
  • on Win10, I am getting these 7 signals
>>> import signal3
>>> from pprint import pprint as pp

>>> pp(signal.valid_signals())
{<Signals.SIGINT: 2>,
<Signals.SIGILL: 4>,
<Signals.SIGFPE: 8>,
<Signals.SIGSEGV: 11>,
<Signals.SIGTERM: 15>,
<Signals.SIGBREAK: 21>,
<Signals.SIGABRT: 22>}
  • ...INT stands for interrupt; this is what the docs say about this particular one
Interrupt from keyboard (CTRL + C).

Default action is to raise KeyboardInterrupt.

Termination signal.


  • The original example contains 2 arguments to the signal.signal() statement, the other is a handler, i.e. a function that should be called upon the firing of the signal.
  • Note that

The handler is called with two arguments: the signal number (signum) and the current stack frame ( or a frame object)

  • …however, I am not explicly using these 2 args
  • yet, the handler function call will fail without them
  • Finally, the handler will do what needs to be done when e.g. ctrl+c is pressed


import signal
def termination_handler(signo, frame):
if input("~~> Interrupted ! Clean-up 'output.txt'? (y/N): ") == "y":
open("output.txt", "w").close()
exit("output deleted => bye")
exit("output noT deleted => bye")

def main():
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, termination_handler)
i = 0
while True:
i += 1
with open("output.txt", "a") as f: f.write(str(i))
  • In this particular example, the 🠉 has the same effect as catching the KeyboardInterrupt with a try/except block
  • The 🠋 can contain a much smaller chunk of code, is, however, less economical/clean
def termination_handler():
if input("~~> Interrupted ! Clean-up 'output.txt'? (y/N): ") == "y":
open("output.txt", "w").close()
exit("output deleted => bye")
exit("output noT deleted => bye")

def main(i=0):
while True:
i += 1
with open("output.txt", "a") as f: f.write(str(i))
except KeyboardInterrupt:




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